A.Rea. 21 : retrogaming e videogiochi dal 1996!
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1983, 8 bit, console.

Game Boy
1989, 8 bit, portatile.

Super NES
1990, 16 bit, console.

1996, 64 bit, console.

Game Boy Color
1998, 8 bit, portatile.

2017, 64 bit, console.

Nintendo [324]

A-mazing Tater [Game Boy]
Ace wo Nerae! [Super NES]
ActRaiser [Super NES]
ActRaiser 2 [Super NES]
Addams Family Values [Super NES]
Aero the Acro-Bat [Super NES]
Air Cavalry [Super NES]
Aladdin [Super NES]
Alcahest [Super NES]
Alien 3 [Super NES]
[nuRt] Alwa's Legacy [Switch]
Another World [Super NES]
[nuRt] Aokana - Four Rhythms Across the Blue [Switch]
[nuRt] Aqua Kitty UDX [Switch]
Araiguma Rascal [Super NES]
Art of Fighting [Super NES]
Asteroids [Game Boy]
[nuRt] Astro Aqua Kitty [Switch]
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes [Game Boy]
Automobili Lamborghini [N64]
B.O.B. [Super NES]
[nuRt] Baba Is You [Switch]
Batman [Game Boy]
Batman Returns [Super NES]
Batman: The Animated Series [Game Boy]
Battletoads [NES]
Beetle Adventure Racing [N64]
Biker Mice from Mars [Super NES]
Blast Corps [N64]
[nuRt] Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King [Switch]
Bomb Jack [Game Boy]
Bomberman 64 [N64]
Bombuzal [Super NES]
Brain Lord [Super NES]
Brawl Brothers [Super NES]
Brett Hull Hockey 95 [Super NES]
Bubble Bobble Part 2 [NES]
Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred... [Super NES]
Cannon Fodder [Super NES]
Carrier Aces [Super NES]
Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse [NES]
[nuRt] Cat Girl Without Salad: Amuse-Bouche [Switch]
Cave Noire [Game Boy]
Choplifter III: Rescue Survive [Super NES]
Chou Jikuu Yousai Macross - Scrambled V... [Super NES]
Chrono Trigger [Super NES]
ClayFighter [Super NES]
Cliffhanger [Super NES]
[nuRt] CounterAttack: Uprising [Switch]
Crazy Bikers [Game Boy Color]
Daffy Duck - The Marvin Missions [Super NES]
David Crane's Amazing Tennis [Super NES]
Days of Thunder [Game Boy]
Deja Vu: A Nightmare Comes True [NES]
Demon's Crest [Super NES]
Desert Fighter [Super NES]
Diddy Kong Racing [N64]
Donkey Kong Country [Super NES]
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong-Quest [Super NES]
Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Dou... [Super NES]
Doom [Super NES]
Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story [Super NES]
Dragon's Lair [Game Boy Color]
Dropzone [Game Boy]
DuckTales [NES]
Dungeon Master [Super NES]
EarthBound [Super NES]
Elevator Action [Game Boy]
Equinox [Super NES]
ESPN Speedworld [Super NES]
Excitebike 64 [N64]
Exhaust Heat [Super NES]
Eye of the Beholder [Super NES]
F-Zero [Super NES]
F-Zero X [N64]
F1 Pole Position 2 [Super NES]
F1 ROC II - Race of Champions [Super NES]
Faceball 2000 [Super NES]
Family Mahjong [NES]
Felix the Cat [NES]
Final Fantasy III [Super NES]
Final Fantasy Legend II [Game Boy]
Final Fight 2 [Super NES]
Fire Hawk [NES]
Firestriker [Super NES]
First Samurai [Super NES]
Fortified Zone [Game Boy]
Front Mission [Super NES]
Gargoyle's Quest II - The Demon Darkness [NES]
Gauntlet [NES]
Gauntlet II [Game Boy]
Ghostbusters II [Game Boy]
Ghoul Patrol [Super NES]
Goof Troop [Super NES]
[nuRt] Haunted: Halloween '86 (The Curse of Po... [Switch]
Hudson Hawk [NES]
Ice Climber [NES]
Ice Hockey [NES]
Ide Yousuke no Mahjong Kyoushitsu GB [Game Boy Color]
Illusion of Time [Super NES]
Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures [Super NES]
Inspector Gadget [Super NES]
International Superstar Soccer 98 [N64]
International Superstar Soccer Deluxe [Super NES]
International Tennis Tour [Super NES]
[nuRt] Iron Crypticle [Switch]
J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings ... [Super NES]
Jeep Jamboree [Game Boy]
Jet Force Gemini [N64]
Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour [Super NES]
Joe & Mac 3: Lost in the Tropics [Super NES]
Jurassic Park [Super NES]
Kabuki: Quantum Fighter [NES]
[nuRt] Kamiko [Switch]
Kick Off 3 - European Challenge [Super NES]
Kid Klown in Crazy Chase [Super NES]
King Arthur's World [Super NES]
King of the Monsters 2 [Super NES]
Kirby's Adventure [NES]
Kirby's Dream Course [Super NES]
Kirby's Fun Pak [Super NES]
Kirby's Pinball Land [Game Boy]
Knights of the Round [Super NES]
Kobe Bryant's NBA Courtside [N64]
Konami Golf [Game Boy]
Kung Fu [NES]
Lady Stalker - The Apocalypse Engine [Super NES]
Lagoon [Super NES]
Lamborghini American Challenge [Game Boy]
Legend [Super NES]
Lufia & The Fortress of Doom [Super NES]
Lylat Wars [N64]
Magic Boy [Super NES]
Manchester United Championship Soccer [Super NES]
Märchen Adventure Cotton 100% [Super NES]
[nuRt] Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle [Switch]
Mario Kart 64 [N64]
Mario Party [N64]
Mario's Time Machine [Super NES]
Mega Man X [Super NES]
Mega Man's Soccer [Super NES]
Mendel Palace [NES]
Metal Combat - Falcon's Revenge [Super NES]
Metal Marines [Super NES]
Mighty Max [Super NES]
[nuRt] Mighty Switch Force! Collection [Switch]
Mortal Kombat II [Super NES]
Mr. Do! [Super NES]
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon [N64]
NBA Give 'N Go [Super NES]
NBA Live 96 [Super NES]
NewZealand Story [NES]
NFL Quarterback Club 96 [Super NES]
NHL 94 [Super NES]
NHL Stanley Cup [Super NES]
Nigel Mansell's World Champioship [Super NES]
Ninja Gaiden Trilogy [Super NES]
Nosferatu [Super NES]
On the Ball [Super NES]
Operation Logic Bomb [Super NES]
Out to Lunch [Super NES]
Pac-In-Time [Super NES]
Paladin's Quest [Super NES]
[nuRt] Panzer Paladin [Switch]
PGA Tour 96 [Super NES]
Pieces [Super NES]
Pilotwings 64 [N64]
Pin-Bot [NES]
Pinball Fantasies [Super NES]
Pink Panther in Pink Goes to Hollywood [Super NES]
Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure [Super NES]
Platoon [NES]
Pocket Billiard: Funk the 9 Ball [Game Boy Color]
Pocky & Rocky [Super NES]
Pop'n TwinBee [Super NES]
Pop'n TwinBee: Rainbow Bell Adventures [Super NES]
Popeye 2 [Game Boy]
Power Drive [Super NES]
Prince of Persia [Super NES]
Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow & The Flame [Super NES]
Putty Squad [Super NES]
R-Type [Game Boy]
R-Type III - The Third Lightning [Super NES]
[nuRt] Raiden IV x MIKADO remix [Switch]
Rampart [Game Boy]
Rampart [Super NES]
Rendering Ranger [Super NES]
[nuRt] Riddled Corpses EX [Switch]
[nuRt] River City Girls Zero [Switch]
Road Runner [Super NES]
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves [NES]
[nuRt] Rock Boshers DX: Director's Cut [Switch]
Rock N'Roll Racing [Super NES]
Rod-Land [Game Boy]
Rolling Thunder [NES]
RR64: Ridge Racer 64 [N64]
[nuRt] Saboteur! [Switch]
Sanrio World Smash Ball! [Super NES]
Saturday Night Slam Masters [Super NES]
seaQuest DSV [Super NES]
Secret of Evermore [Super NES]
Secret of Mana [Super NES]
Sensible Soccer [Game Boy]
Sensible Soccer [Super NES]
Shadowgate 64: Trials of the Four Towers [N64]
Shadowrun [Super NES]
[nuRt] Shantae [Switch]
Shatterhand [NES]
Sid Meier's Civilization [Super NES]
SimCity [Super NES]
SimCity 2000 [Super NES]
Skyblazer [Super NES]
Slalom [NES]
[nuRt] Slayin' 2 [Switch]
Smash Tennis [Super NES]
Snoopy - Magic Show [Game Boy]
Soccer Kid [Super NES]
Soccer Shootout [Super NES]
SOS [Super NES]
Space Ace [Super NES]
Space Invaders - The Original Game [Super NES]
Sparkster [Super NES]
Spectre [Super NES]
Star Trek: The Next Generation [Game Boy]
Star Trek: The Next Generation [Super NES]
Star Wars: Episode I - Racer [N64]
Starwing [Super NES]
Street Fighter Alpha 2 [Super NES]
Street Racer [Super NES]
[nuRt] Strikey Sisters [Switch]
Stunt Race FX [Super NES]
Super Air Diver [Super NES]
Super Baseball 2020 [Super NES]
Super Bomberman 2 [Super NES]
Super Castlevania IV [Super NES]
Super Chase H.Q. [Super NES]
Super F1 Circus [Super NES]
Super Formation Soccer II [Super NES]
Super Ghouls'n Ghosts [Super NES]
Super Mario All-Stars [Super NES]
Super Mario Kart [Super NES]
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island [Super NES]
Super Metroid [Super NES]
Super Off Road [Super NES]
Super Probotector: Alien Rebels [Super NES]
Super Punch-Out!! [Super NES]
Super R-Type [Super NES]
Super Star Wars [Super NES]
Super Star Wars - Return of the Jedi [Super NES]
Super Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back [Super NES]
Super Strike Eagle [Super NES]
Super SWIV [Super NES]
Super Tennis [Super NES]
Super Turrican [Super NES]
Super Turrican 2 [Super NES]
Suzuka 8 hours [Super NES]
[nuRt] Syder Reloaded [Switch]
[nuRt] Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayan [Switch]
Syndicate [Super NES]
Tecmo Bowl [NES]
Tecmo Super Bowl [Super NES]
Tecmo Super NBA Basketball [Super NES]
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - Tournamen... [Super NES]
Terranigma [Super NES]
Tetris Attack [Super NES]
Tetris Battle Gaiden [Super NES]
Tetris DX [Game Boy Color]
The 7th Saga [Super NES]
The Addams Family: Pugsley's Scavenger ... [Super NES]
The Blues Brothers [Game Boy]
The Firemen [Super NES]
The Great Circus Mystery Starring Micke... [Super NES]
The Humans [Super NES]
The Irem Major Title [Super NES]
The Jungle Book [Super NES]
The King of Dragons [Super NES]
The King of Rally: Paris - Moscow - Bei... [Super NES]
The Last Starfighter [NES]
The Lawnmower Man [Super NES]
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja [Super NES]
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening [Game Boy]
The Lost Vikings [Super NES]
The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse [Super NES]
The Ninjawarriors [Super NES]
Time Trax [Super NES]
Tintin in Tibet [Super NES]
[nuRt] Tiny Barbarian DX [Switch]
[nuRt] Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble [Switch]
Tiny Toon Adventures - Buster Busts Loose! [Super NES]
Tony Meola's Sidekicks Soccer [Super NES]
Top Gear 2 [Super NES]
Top Gear Overdrive [N64]
Top Gear Rally [Game Boy Color]
Top Gear Rally [N64]
[nuRt] Touhou Luna Nights [Switch]
Track & Field [Game Boy]
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter [N64]
Uchuu Race - Astro Go! Go! [Super NES]
Unirally [Super NES]
Utopia: The Creation of a Nation [Super NES]
Val d'Isère Championship [Super NES]
[nuRt] Venture Kid [Switch]
Virtual Soccer [Super NES]
[nuRt] Vitamin Connection [Switch]
[nuRt] Viviette [Switch]
Vortex [Super NES]
Wave Race 64 [N64]
WCW vs. nWo: World Tour [N64]
Wicked 18 [Super NES]
Wild Guns [Super NES]
Wings of Fury [Game Boy Color]
Wipeout 64 [N64]
Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom [Super NES]
Wolfenstein 3D [Super NES]
Wolverine - Adamantium Rage [Super NES]
World Cup Striker [Super NES]
World Cup USA 94 [Super NES]
World League Basketball [Super NES]
[nuRt] Wulverblade [Switch]
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse [Super NES]
[nuRt] Xtreme Sports [Switch]
Yoshi's Cookie [Super NES]
Young Merlin [Super NES]
Zombies Ate My Neighbors [Super NES]
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