A.Rea. 21 : retrogaming e videogiochi dal 1996!
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1983, 8 bit, console.

Game Boy
1989, 8 bit, portatile.

Super NES
1990, 16 bit, console.

1996, 64 bit, console.

Game Boy Color
1998, 8 bit, portatile.

2017, 64 bit, console.

Nintendo N64 [24]

Automobili Lamborghini [N64]
Beetle Adventure Racing [N64]
Blast Corps [N64]
Bomberman 64 [N64]
Diddy Kong Racing [N64]
Excitebike 64 [N64]
F-Zero X [N64]
International Superstar Soccer 98 [N64]
Jet Force Gemini [N64]
Kobe Bryant's NBA Courtside [N64]
Lylat Wars [N64]
Mario Kart 64 [N64]
Mario Party [N64]
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon [N64]
Pilotwings 64 [N64]
RR64: Ridge Racer 64 [N64]
Shadowgate 64: Trials of the Four Towers [N64]
Star Wars: Episode I - Racer [N64]
Top Gear Overdrive [N64]
Top Gear Rally [N64]
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter [N64]
Wave Race 64 [N64]
WCW vs. nWo: World Tour [N64]
Wipeout 64 [N64]
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