A.Rea. 21 : retrogaming e videogiochi dal 1996!
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1984, 8 bit, home computer.

1990, 8 bit, console.

Amstrad [33]

Anarchy [CPC]
Android 2 [CPC]
Android One - The Reactor Run [CPC]
Avenger [CPC]
Barbarian [CPC]
Barbarian II [GX4000]
Burnin' Rubber [GX4000]
Dandy [CPC]
Deflektor [CPC]
Dick Tracy [GX4000]
Donkey Kong [CPC]
Inside Outing [CPC]
[nuRt] Magica [CPC]
Movie [CPC]
Nebulus [CPC]
Operation Wolf [CPC]
Pang [GX4000]
Professional BMX Simulator [CPC]
R-Type [CPC]
Rolling Thunder [CPC]
Saboteur [CPC]
Sepulcri [CPC]
Sim City [CPC]
Spindizzy [CPC]
Switchblade [GX4000]
The Armageddon Man [CPC]
[nuRt] The Dawn of Kernel [CPC]
The NewZealand Story [CPC]
The Ninjawarriors [CPC]
The Pawn [CPC]
Thrust [CPC]
Werewolves of London [CPC]
Wild Streets [GX4000]
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