A.Rea. 21 : retrogaming e videogiochi dal 1996!
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1994, 32 bit, console.

PlayStation 4
2013, 64 bit, console.

PlayStation 5
2020, 64 bit, console.

Sony PlayStation 5 [9]

[nuRt] BIT.TRIP RERUNNER [PlayStation 5]
[nuRt] Castaway [PlayStation 5]
[nuRt] Clock Tower: Rewind [PlayStation 5]
[nuRt] Dawn of the Monsters: Arcade Edition [PlayStation 5]
[nuRt] Lunark [PlayStation 5]
[nuRt] Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm [PlayStation 5]
[nuRt] River City Girls 2 [PlayStation 5]
[nuRt] Shantae [PlayStation 5]
[nuRt] The Dragoness: Command of the Flame [PlayStation 5]
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