A.Rea. 21 : retrogaming e videogiochi dal 1996!
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1977, 8 bit, home computer.

1984, 16 bit, personal computer.

2001, 64 bit, personal computer.

Apple Macintosh [10]

Arkanoid [Macintosh]
Deja Vu: A Nightmare Comes True!! [Macintosh]
Empire Deluxe [Macintosh]
Gauntlet [Macintosh]
James Clavell's Shōgun [Macintosh]
Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the L... [Macintosh]
Shanghai [Macintosh]
Sim City: The City Simulator [Macintosh]
The Duel: Test Drive II [Macintosh]
The Hobbit [Macintosh]
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